Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To answer questions from the last posts, せいぶつかがく is biochemistry (my major). Or so says でんし じしょ, which is an online Japanese-English dictionary I found. You can type in the word in English, and it will give you the japanese in hiragana and kanji, or in katakana if it's a loan word. You can also type in the hiragana of a japanese word that you want to know and it will give you a list of related words and the English translations.

つかれた is indeed a colloquial expression for "I'm tired." I picked it up, along with a motley collection of curses, exclamations, and imperatives (basically things that are short and frequently used), from watching subbed anime and J-drama. Most of what I know isn't useful for class, tho, since we're learning formal speech patterns.


サイモン said...

でんしじしょいいです。My ともだち showed it to me, it's pretty magical if you ask me. Although sometimes I don't trust it since their are apparently so many homophones in にほんご。

Maureen Stimola said...

You'll probably just have a much richer vocabulary once you've been studying more proper Japanese for a while.

Just wait - you be speaking colloquially like a native! Everyone will think you are an ex-pat who has lived in Japan for years, or maybe someone who was adopted and raised by a Japanese family. ;)

アルコンセル said...

わたし の なまえ は アルコンセル タニャ です。
どおぞ よろしく!
ノートル ダム だいだうく の にねんせい です。
じゅうきゅうさい です。
せんこう は ディザイン です。
ハワイ の ホノルル から きました。

I also picked up various phrases and words from watching subbed anime and j-dramas. Listening to j-pop helped, too. Any dramas in particular you really liked? I could use some recommendations. I'm open to all genres. x)

じゃあ また!  (:

Davidetc said...

Biochem, ね。 Tough stuff. I was considering doing it, but I think I'm gonna stick w/pre-med and then do a humanity for a せんこう even if that means more classes.
But I guess this class is far out of both of our scopes, and that's what makes it so cool!!!

Jade said...

I am just trying to finish my HW here~and I saw your blog's name~
つかれた _| ̄|○ 
Anyway,you mentioned that you are Biochemistry major? are we in the same lab? I am the ChemE Major girl~ or you are just another girl in Biochem in さとうせんせいのクラス。。。
I am in section 5 by the way and
(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ