Monday, October 12, 2009


I was sitting in the GWB bus terminal the other day wondering how you would say "where do all these footless pigeons come from?!" in Japanese.

この はしがない はとは どこから きましたか。


Maybe "where do all these ___ come from?" is too ideomatic to translate, and I can only ask, with complete seriousness:

この はどは なんで はしがない ですか。

As to what started this line of thought, I was watching the multitude of pigeons staggering around the bus terminal with missing toes, feet, or entire legs. Originally, I thought it was dueto car accidents, but how do you run over the leg of a pigeon and miss the rest of it? So now I'm thinking that maybe pigeon legs, due to lack of insulation and proper circulation, are extremely susceptible to infection. Or maybe the males bite off eachother's legs while fighting over females? Hmmm....


Ai said...



なんで このはと みんな あしがないんだろう?


Alexandra (Ola) J. said...

いま、わたしはこのブログのポストをよみました。。。これはとてもおもしろいもんだいですね。 I've never actually seen a footless pigeon...
